
Cinderella and four knights drama beans
Cinderella and four knights drama beans

He just keeps pretending that she’s his fiance and then, in the end, gets together with Park He-Ji. His whole point is to bring Eun Ha-won into the story and then that’s kind of it. I feel like this character could have gone further. I think I would have liked more progression to the final plot between him and Eun Ha-won – more hints perhaps. It just felt to me that he loved Park He-Ji, realised she didn’t really feel the same way and then did a full 180 to Eun Ha-won. Like we know he was sidelined when he joined the family and the chairman was manipulating behind the scenes but that’s it. HOWEVER, I wanted to know more about him. Did he have some character development? Yes. I would have loved to see her have a larger connection to the other characters and although I’ve already said that I like her relationship with her family, I would have loved to see more. I feel like there was some character development although I think I would have liked there to have been a bit more. I actually really loved this character! As the audience, we did get a proper insight into her life and got to see her different relationships to the different characters and the development of her family relationship as well as her romantic relationships with the ‘knights’. It does make sense after you’ve watched it though! The Main Characters Eun Ha-won I didn’t really understand why it’s called ‘four knights’ as there are only three grandsons but I realised that the fourth knight is the secretary. Like the title suggests, the story focuses on a real-life Cinderella, Eun Ha-won (played by Park So-dam who was in the oscar-winning film Parasite) who is hired to help teach the three grandsons of Chairman Kang Jung-du (played by Kim Yong-gun) to ‘care’ for each other. It features the actor Park So-dam who was in the film Parasite and the story idea stems from the fairy tale of Cinderella. So, in this post, I’m going to be reviewing the Korean Drama ‘Cinderella and the Four Knight’ which aired in 2016. I know there’s a huge Kpop community but I haven’t seen many people talk about Korean dramas and I’m changing that today. Welcome to a new feature of my blog *throws confetti*! I’ve been watching Korean Dramas for about 3 years and let me tell you, I’ve watched a lot. * This blog post contains spoilers for the Korean Drama ‘Cinderella and the Four Knights’*

Cinderella and four knights drama beans