If Calendar items are missing on the phone but are in your Outlook, set to sync all calendar appointments. When prompted, select LEAVE on the phone. This can be a security breach for your organization and can allow iCloud to change the data inappropriately as recent updates have. We suggest turning off iCloud on iPhone (and in Outlook) for Calendar, Contact, Mail and Reminders sync to iCloud. IPhone Tips for Contacts, Calendars, Email and Reminders:
Here is an option for policy management ( ) More information is to be found on In the main Office portal - all admin centers there’s an option “Office configuration”, which directs to the Microsoft 365 Apps admin Center. Social Connector issue for clients using Office 365 in non-managed environment. Microsoft - Manage the Outlook Social Connector with Group Policy
This is "the Microsoft way", but doesn't work for off domain or often laptops so see 365 installations topic below:. 3 ways to disable all or parts of the Outlook Social Connector - By Batch or Group Policy. Systems with OSC on can take an hour to sync, while when it is turned off, that same relationship can sync in under a minute. This "ping pong" effect takes time to go through. The machine with OSC enabled updates the contacts in the mailbox, causing a change for our sync program to consider, and then the item is updated, as per the relationship settings. A full or partial turning off of automatically installed Outlook Add in for Contact Sync for your organization is recommended. Access and other options of the Social Connector can be granularly controlled through Active Directory Group Policy rules, but the machines have to be on the domain. Below is some valuable information for speed killers for Contacts and Calendars Sync: Contacts: We have found the Microsoft Outlook Social Connector (in Outlook) updates the contacts from the GAL and other social platforms which negatively affects syncing, causing unnecessarily updated items.